We provide a free inmate locator! Do you need to find an inmate, or you believe someone might have been arrested? Avengers Bail Bonds can help you with that. Here at Avengers Bail Bonds, we can find any inmate located at any jail facility in California or any jail in the country. Loved ones often find themselves in a bind at the most inopportune times and when your stressed out it can be a little difficult to think straight. Quite often when you call the police department, or sheriff station, they don’t or won’t give you much information about your friend or loved one and we understand your frustration.

That’s why you need to call Avengers Bail Bonds. We’ve simplified the process, with nearly 30 years of experience helping family’s find their loved ones located at jails all across the State of California. You can be rest assured that we will find your friend or loved one.

Our inmate locator service offers you the peace of mind when trying to find an inmate in California. Whether it’s a county jail, federal detention center, ICE Facility, or even a local jail; we can find any inmate. Once we find your friend or loved one we can begin the bail process for your city. We operate in all major cities and counties in California.


With one simple call to Avengers Bail Bonds, we’ll be happy to locate any inmate in jail in California 24 hours, 7 days a week.